Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Egg Salad Sandwich

I have been majorly craving eggs lately.  Not really normal for me.  

I have been eating scrambled eggs on toast (spread with goat cheese) and REALLY enjoyed some deviled eggs at game night.  When my friend asked me for an egg salad recipe lately, I couldn't help but make myself a sandwich too.  

I have learned recently that two of my friends don't like eggs.  And my sister in law is not a fan either.  Seems pretty common.  I have gone through small spurts of being uninterested in eggs.  But I have mad respect for the little guys.  They are pretty much the most useful ingredient out there.  So those spurts never lasted long.  And right now I am in an egg obsessed spurt.  

Random side story that does not flow at all:  When I was little, we used to have hard boiled eggs.  We just ate them.  Not sure if this was just around Easter, I feel like it was more often than that.  But, my brother and I were the perfect egg pair.  He liked the whites and I liked the yolks.  I ate both, but he did not eat yolks.  And we always traded everything...nothing in life is free.  You don't just get my egg yolk for doing nothing.  Therefore, I often gave up my whites.  Yikes!  Glad I am not still on an egg yolk only diet.  

Make this sandwich.  It was so amazing.  

Egg Salad Sandwich

2 eggs
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon grainy mustard
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 stalk celery (sliced)
1 green onion (sliced)
salt and pepper to taste
2 leaves of lettuce
2 slices of bread

Place the eggs in a sauce pan, cover with water and bring to a boil.

Turn off the heat, cover and let sit for seven minutes.

Transfer the eggs to a large bowl filled with cold water and let cool.

Peel the eggs and mash to the desired consistency mixing in the mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, celery and green onions.

Assemble sandwich.

(Servings: 1, Prep time: 15 min., Cook time: 0 min., Difficulty: Easy)


  1. I love eggs too...and I eat them ALL the time. But when I hard boil eggs, I always pick out the yolks. I can't stand them for some reason!

  2. Yum! I love egg salad sandwiches but have never added lemon juice. I'll have to try that! I hard boil the eggs just like you do. Your blog is great and I see a lot good recipes here!
